LightFish is an opensource Java EE 7 application which gathers and persists periodically GlassFish's monitoring data.
The probes (snapshots) are gathered via REST, persisted into a relational DB and pushed to Java FX 2 UI in real time via HTTP.
Features / Monitoring:
Threads And Memory:
Heap Size, Thread Count, Peak Thread Count
Commits and Rollbacks
"Paranormal Activity" :-)
Queued Connections, Errors and Busy Thread Count
HTTP Sessions
Active and Expired Sessions
JDBC Pools
Free and used connections, potential connection leaks, and the Length of the wait queue
Download and start GlassFish [asadmin start-database, asadmin start-domain]
Drop lightfish.war into /glassfish4.X/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy
Point your browser to: http://localhost:8080/lightfish
Click on the "LightView" link to install the LightView client
LighFish should install the necessary connection pool and datasources on-the-fly. There is no setup needed. Tested with GlassFish 4.X.
The Enterprise Side of JavaFX: Part One Maven 3 build, data binding, separation of responsibilities and asynchronous communication between LightView and LightFish.